Dr. Turner and our professional staff at Colfax Dental are here to see to your oral health. While we see to your health during a visit in our office, we also will advise you to the best care you can take while at home. Preventive care is of utmost importance to your dental health. Through our combined efforts, your smile can maintain a healthy shine for years to come.
Cleanings And Exam
During your routine cleaning and exam visit, you will receive a professional cleaning by one of our hygienists as well as an oral cancer screening. At times, X-Rays may be used to further detect and diagnose conditions that need further assessment.
Routine Care
Regular check-ups and cleaning visits are an important part to the routine care to maintain proper oral hygiene. During your routine check-up exam, Dr. Turner and his staff will not only provide necessary treatments that need to be addressed, but will also advise you as to the proper care needed to keep your teeth in proper shape.
Schedule An Appointment
To schedule your next dental appointment, call us today. Dr. Turner and our expert staff are here to see to your overall health, keeping your smile beautiful and healthy for years to come.